Canadian Chronicles is my personal initiative, showcasing brands designed in Canada. These brands captured my attention—from growing up on my family's farm to attending Sheridan college and launching my career as a graphic designer in Toronto. These brands ignited my devotion for brand communication design and continue to influence my work.


Every week (or two) I will be highlighting brands designed by Canadians, for Canadians through the lens of my experiences and others who are willing to share their stories.

Select images of logos and photos are the copyright and trademark works of their respective holders.


Designer: Unknown
Studio: Unknown
Origin: 1973, Canada
Status: Active (updated)


I know, I know it’s a news logo (eye roll). But this news station was different. It’s why I love their brand. Citytv wasn’t the typical news hour—it was an innovative approach to providing news to the public, which was reflected in its brand… it shouted, “We’re different, look at us, hear us, see us, we’re everywhere.” 

Growing up during the 70’s and 80’s the news hour format and logos followed a controlled style. Music queued, station logo fading in (typically the logo was an acronym plus the news channel number) and the news anchor sat behind a desk and started of the newscast by saying, “Welcome, you’re watching such-and-such news station. We’re starting off this program…” then proceeded to methodically read off the news teleprompter. Not that this was a bad, it was just typical and uninteresting. This also was the same format that Citytv utilized in late 70’s and 80’s. But the station started to adjust its format during the early 90’s (see Citytv Toronto News Open).

The innovator behind this format change was Moses Znaimer. “He gradually began to pioneer a distinctive style of broadcasting, inspired in part by Marshall McLuhan, which emphasized a strongly local, hip and casual format aimed at young audiences”. "The flow, not the show," said TV entrepreneur and guru Moses Znaimer. He knocked down the studio walls and let the public see what was happening inside.”

During the gradual format change in the mid 90’s I was attending Sheridan College. I was it’s target demographic and it made a enormous impression on me. Not only because their distinct and innovative approach to news casting, but they also provided additional hip stations within the Citytv’s brand like—MuchMusic, Oh La La, Breakfast Television and Great Movies. They also presented Speakers Corner to the public, it was a recording booth at Citytv which provided Torontonians a voice in the form rants, shout-outs, jokes, and music performances which aired weekly.

Other features that made Citytv unique was the CityPulse truck sculpture breaking though the side of it’s headquarters on 299 Queen Street West, Toronto. Nigel Stanley who designed and created the sculpture stated, “His (Moses Znaimer) vision was for the truck to look like it was busting out of the building, off to the latest news story.”

Looking back, it was not the logo that made the broadcasting company notable (yes, the logo helped). But it was Citytv’s brand—a combination of it’s consistent messaging, innovative approach, hip programing and branded fleet of broadcasting vans that launched them into popularity.

Photo Description & Credit:
1. Previous headquarters of Citytv - 299 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2. Citytv logo evolution 1972 to present
3 CityPulse, Everywhere posters and Citytv
News, Movies, Music poster
4. Citytv, Breaking News sculpture development by
Nigel Stanley
5. Citytv Breaking News sculpture photo
6. Citytv branded mic and camera - Citytv staff photo
7. Citytv's Great Movies bumper, 1998
8. Citytv, Everywhere mural by
Bill Wrigley, 1990
9. Moses Znaimer (Citytv president) wearing a white suit he says cost him $20 on the French Riviera – 1984,
Darrell, Dick


Dairy Farmers of Ontario

Dairy Farmers of Ontario
Designer: Unknown
Studio: Marshall Fenn Communications
Origin: 1972, Canada
Status: Active (updated)


As I’ve mentioned in prior Canadian Chronicle stories, I grew up on my parents family farm in Southern Ontario and helped with farm chores during my younger years.

On our farm, milk was a staple at our family’s table. Every week we traveled to our neighbors dairy farmer and picked up a couple large containers of unpasteurized milk. During my first visit with my father, I was introduced to the milk logo, which was prominently affixed to the back of the milk truck tank. The handwritten letters of “Milk” was laid over a two varied blues—suggesting cold, delicious and refreshing (just like it tasted, especially mixing Nestle Quik to a tall glass of milk).

During high school I found a job as a farm hand on a dairy farm. The household that hired me were Italian Canadians and they lived together in the large farm house—father, mother, son, aunt and grandmother (Nonna). My time there was spent learning how to run a farm—plant, harvest, milk and care for their cattle. They also taught me about responsibility, ethics and life—in which I still value today. I was also introduced to French press coffee and gourmet Italian cooking… so good! Nonna would always tell me to eat more, “Mangia! Mangia” she would call out at each table gathering. They considered me as part of their family, and I felt the same.

Photo Description & Credit:
1. Milk tanker truck picking up milk (mock-up) – Dairy Farmers of Ontario
2. Milk Bone, Billboard Ad by BBDO Canada, 2003 (mock-up)
3. Milk. Really keeps kids going, poster Ad by Due North Communications, 2011
4. Coffee vs. Milk, Magazine Ad by Vickers & Benson, 1976
5. 50th Anniversary Branding via
Recharge with Milk Tankard, Ontario Curling Assoc, 2015
6. Photo of my father, Dick Nÿkamp milking our family farm cow, circa 1970
Dairy Done Right (The Letter), TV Ad by NFA, 2019


Ontario Hydro

Ontario Hydro
Designer: Allan Robb Fleming
Studio: Hathaway-Templeton
Origin: 1962, Canada
Status: Retired


I was 6 years of age when my parents built a new finishing barn for their farm. Close to its completion, I recall three white utility trucks slowly traveling down our long lane way. As each truck parked the doors opened, showing off a bright orange emblem. Several men with thick mustaches climbed out and put on their orange safety helmets on which adorned the same emblem.

That bright orange emblem was the Ontario Hydro logo. It’s one of those timeless logos that’s brilliant. For me it was the use of bold colours, the cleverly hidden ‘O’ and ‘H’ and the 45 degree tilt that had caught my eye—it say’s electric, perfect for a power company.

Not only do the colours convey its energy, but the combined logo elements unite it together. As I mentioned, cleverly the letters ‘O’ and ‘H’ (from Ontario Hydro) were combined to create the mark, which also represents the universal symbol for an appliance connector (or plug). The added tilt provides further intensity and strength. Also, subliminally the 'O' and the 'H' remind me of H2O (water’s chemical formula)... interesting.

For people who do not know, hydro is electricity that harnesses the power of water in motion—such as water flowing over a rock face—thank you Niagara Falls : )

The Ontario Hydro logo system was retired in 1999 and was changed to the current nondescript Hydro One logo.

Photo Description & Credit:
1. Ontario Hydro safety helmet (mock-up) - Umit-Yildirim
2. Ontario Hydro logotype and mark.
3. Photo of Allan Robb Fleming, 1959
4. Allan Fleming’s Ontario Hydro logo launch document, 1965 – 
Alliance Graphique Internationale
5. Ontario Hydro printed materials, from left to right: Annual Report front cover: 1973 / Meter Reading Post Card: 1971 / Year Around Comfort Ad Maclean's, May 1971
6. La Centrale nucléaire de Pickering booklet, 1970 (mock-up of original)
7. Ontario Hydro electric utility bucket truck (mock-up) – 
American Public Power Association
8 Sikorsky S-58ET, CF-OIA, Ontario Hydro Helicopter, 1973 – Caz Caswell
9. Zap the Safety Bird for children, by Ontario Hydro, 1982



Studio: Unknown
Origin: 1957, Canada
Status: Active (updated)


Growing up in a small farming community in Southern Ontario, Co-op was a familiar name which appeared on various products on our farm. I remember my father applying Co-op grease to our old Cockshutt combine—lubricating it’s grease boxes and articulating arm joints. I also recall my father pouring Co-op sacks of winter wheat seed into our International seeder for autumn planting and empty Co-op feed bags laying beside our barn feed spouts.

The logo that represents Co-op was developed in 1957—all-red Co-op letters framed by a green shield. The only change was made in 1974, in which the logo changed to an all-red mark.

Co-op or Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL), was once a nationwide chain of grocery stores and supermarkets across Canada. Now serving many small rural towns throughout Western Canada. Since it’s beginning, in 1928 the FCL has expanded to wholesaling, manufacturing, marketing and administrative co-operative owned by more than 160 independent local co-operative associations. These local co-ops own and operate agro. centers, food stores, gas bars/convenience stores and home centers.

Co-op Commercials:
1. We Are Co-op
2. Maybe Tomorrow *

* The song in this commercial is “Maybe Tomorrow", sung by Terry Bush. It’s also another childhood memory of my favorite Canadian TV show, The Littlest Hobo.

If you know the designer who created the Co-op logo, email me.

Photo Description & Credit:
1. Grain elevator, Mossleigh Alberta (mock-up) - Bernard Spragg
2. Co-op pole sign, Lafleche, Saskatchewan –
Andrew Filer
3. Co-op full service gas station, circa 1960 -
The History of Fueling Up in Western Canada
4. Co-op Mineral Gear Oil SAE 80, 1 imperial gallon (collage mock-up)
5. Kindersley Co-op oil truck & tanker next to the Federated Co-operatives Limited building, 1957 –
Saskatoon Public Library
6. Old Co-op feed sack (mock-up) –
Diego Catto
Co-op Bulk Plant, Portage, Saskatchewan, circa 1960 – curiosity of Federated Co-op Limited


Parks Canada

Parks Canada
Ken Marsh, Roderick Huggins
Studio: Guillon Design Inc
Origin: 1973, Canada
Status: Retired


The only national park I visited in Canada was Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland—it’s only a 31 hour trip East of Toronto, but worth the visit. The park's main attraction is the Western Brook Pond, a fjord carved out by a glacier that runs through the Long Range Mountains (see the third photo).

While visiting the Gros Morne, I did not see the Parks Canada logo, but did come across a few beavers gnawing on trees. Speaking about beavers, Parks Canada has utilized the beaver as a symbolic representation for it’s national identity for close to 50 years.

The identifiable mark is attributed to the simplified beaver in which it’s encapsulated with a rounded triangle—which signifies a badge (a perfect identifier for park rangers and staff). Significantly, the mark’s unique colours (gold and brown) offset the signage beautifully and bring a natural feel to Canada’s national park's cultural heritage, environment and grand scenery. Sadly, in 2001, Parks Canada replaced it with a new mark.

The beaver has symbolic significance to Native Americans and Canadians. “The beaver helps people understand the dynamics of teamwork and to appreciate each individual’s talents and contributions in order to accomplish anything. He is a builder of the mind, body, and soul and symbolizes creativity, creation, cooperation, persistence and harmony. The Beaver is also a hard worker and will not quit his job until he is done.” (Tatjana and Walter Stolting, Spirits of the West Coast Art Gallery Inc, The Beaver Symbol).

Today, Parks Canada manages 38 National Parks, 3 National Marine Conservation Areas, 171 National Historic Sites, 1 National Urban Park, and 1 National Landmark.

If you have not been to the many national parks in Canada, I suggest you go visit.

Photo Description & Credit:
1. Kluane National Park, Yukon, Canada - unknown photographer
2. Parks Canada passes on Landrover window (mock-up) -
Tim Trad
3. Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada - unknown photographer
4. Moraine Lake in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada - Niv Rozenberg
5. Parks Canada passes on Volkswagen window -
Jaime Verdes
6. Parks Canada park pass design from 1987 (mock-up of original)
7. Parks Canada park pass design evolution between 1979 to 1993 (mock-up of original)


Canadian Tire

Canadian Tire
William Punkett (original design)
Studio: Unknown
Origin: 1940, Canada
Status: Active (updated)


Canadian Tire was my favorite store as a kid. Seeing the red triangle paired with Canada’s maple leaf was a beacon of light from the highway. They had everything—automotive parts, camping equipment, housewares, CCM bikes, tools, fishing rods, toys, sportswear—you name it, they had it! On the weekends, I loved to peruse the Canadian Tire flyer and dream of what I could buy with the Canadian Tire Money I saved (I believe my first purchase was a fishing rod).

It has been said that Canadian Tire’s iconic shape, the triangle, was chosen because its founders (John and Alfred Billes) wanted a recognizable symbol on their petroleum products. In 1934, the maple leaf was added to the triangle. Thirty-three years later the logo underwent another design update—it is what we know and love today as the Classic Canadian Tire logo.

“This would be the everlasting symbol for the company that would be emblazoned into the psyche of every Canadian.” (Andrew King, Ottawa Rewind, The Canadian Tire Triangle, 2016).

Photo Description & Credit:
1. Canadian Tire
stacked shipping containers - unknown photographer
2. Canadian Tire store front – unknown photographer
3. Evolution of Canadian Tire logo from 1940 to 2020
4. Canadian Tire sponsored indy car of Jacques Villeneuve, Laguna Seca Raceway, Quebec, 1985 -
Daniel du Plessis


GO Transit

GO Transit
Frank Fox, Gagnon Valkus
Studio: Gagnon/Valkus Inc. in assoc. with Canadian National Railway
Origin: 1967, Canada
Status: Active (updated)


I love this mark! Most likely because I commuted on the train from Oakville to Toronto everyday when beginning my career. I miss the commute. I was able to reflect on the day forward, chat with a friendly passenger nearby and drift off to sleep to the rhythmic clickety-clack.

The GO Transit mark is memorable, simple and has some hidden visuals.

Mark Elements:
1. The letters 'G' and 'O' form a 'T’ lying on its side representing the first letters of GO Transit.
2. The letters 'G' and 'O' illustrate the undercarriage wheelset.
3. The letters 'G' and 'O' is an acronym for the Government of Ontario.

Notably, the GO Transit mark has been around for 53 years. The logo has changed slightly from 1960 to today. But has still maintained it original form and integrity. Typically thoughtful, well designed marks are enduring.

Photo Description & Credit:
1. GO Transit cab car #322 -
Youngjin Ko
2. Original 1960 and current 2020 Go Transit logo
3. Commuters at Mount Pleasant GO Transit Station -
Ontario Growth Secretariat, Ministry of Municipal Affairs
4. Find Your Go Time Illustration - MKN Design ©


The Beer Store

The Beer Store
Manfred Gotthans, Chris Yaneff
Studio: Unknown
Origin: 1990, Canada
Status: Retired


I remember like it was yesterday—I was 19 and attending college in Oakville, Ontario. It was my first time walking up under the orange glow of The Beer Store sign and opening its revered doors. I strolled back to the walk-in fridge, eyed a two-four of Molson Canadian and placed it on the conveyor. This was the most ingenious innovation that the Beer Store offered, a roller conveyor that easily transported your case of beer from the walk-in fridge to the checkout line. I still remember the whooshing sound the rollers made as the case traveled to the front. I made many trips throughout my time living in Ontario—it’s a true Canadian experience.

Though The Beer Store wordmark was updated, I still love the old school wordmark. Mostly because of the connected serif letters with their soft welcoming corners, paired with the bright orange brand color. It left a distinct impression.

Photo Description & Credit:
1. The Beer Store, storefront - Acadia Broadcasting, staff photo
2. The Beer Store logo on a pole sign – unknown photographer


Canadian Chronicles

Canadian Chronicles
Michael Nÿkamp

2020, United States (former Canadian, now U.S. citizen)
Forever Canadian at heart ❤


Project Overview
I started this personal initiative highlighting brands designed by Canadians, for Canadians.

The impetus behind the Canadian Chronicles mark originates from Canada's iconic symbol, the maple leaf while accommodating Canada’s flag colors—red and white. Additionally, I drew inspiration from renowned Canadian designers Allan Flemming, Burton Kramer, Ernst Roch, and specifically Stuart Ash's works from the late '60s (Canadian Centennial symbol, 1965) and early '70s (Metric Commission mark, 1974). I also adopted the naming convention from the Canadian Federal Identity Program presenting the brand's name in both English and French using the system's standardized font, Helvetica. 

The mark is recognizably Canadian and its form evokes a sense of care, movement, and strength.

Project Background
My career interest started as a young kid growing up on a farm in Southern Ontario, Canada. At the time I did not recognize or understand what branding or communication design was. But I admired the various aspects of branding, like Canadian Tire and Parks Canada to catchy TV advertisements, like “Mikey likes it!” (Life Cereal, 1974), or the jingle, "Skippy Peanut Butter, goes on our daily bread..."(Skippy Peanut Butter 1984). As I matured, my interest in communication design continued to develop, although I faced uncertainty about where to begin. Thankfully, I had an art teacher who helped and encourage me on where to start. As I embarked on my journey into art and design at Sheridan College of Art and Design. I was accepted into the Art Foundations program (1 year). This experience propelled me to pursue further education in the field, leading me to complete a four-year Illustration program and a one-year New Media Design program. Fast forward, I currently leverage my skills as an Illustrator, UX Design, and Graphic Design to complement my role as a visual communication designer for my independent business MKN Design. 

I hope to showcase and discuss Canadian brands through the lens of my personal experiences. I invite you to share your own stories and experiences related to the Canadian brands I feature in this blog.

Photo Credit
Allan Fleming, Allan Fleming Papers, York University Clara Thomas Archives, and Special Collections


A shorten ideation process in developing the Canadian Chronicles mark.


Canadian Chronicles combination mark + clear area specifications


Primary Brand Application—A

Horizontal / English and French Mark
Clear area combination mark specifications and combination mark + colour usages in: Canada Rouge, Noir and knockouts.


Secondary Brand Application—B

English Mark, Horizontal
Clear area combination mark specifications and combination mark + colour usages in: Canada Rouge, Noir and knockouts.

Tertiary Brand Application—C

English Mark, Stacked
Clear area combination mark specifications and combination mark + colour usages in: Canada Rouge, Noir and knockouts.

Secondary Brand Application—D

French Mark, Horizontal
Clear area combination mark specifications and combination mark + colour usages in: Canada Rouge, Noir and knockouts.

Tertiary Brand Application—E

French Mark, Stacked
Clear area combination mark specifications and combination mark + colour usages in: Canada Rouge, Noir and knockouts.


Typography Usage:
Helvetica Neue, Regular


Primary Colour

Rough Red
CMYK: 0 / 99 / 97 /0
RGB: 237 / 33 / 39
HEX: ED2127


Secondary Colour

Dark Rough Red
CMYK: 5 / 100 / 94 /0
RGB: 225 / 31 / 43


Secondary Colour

CMYK: 75 / 68 / 67 / 90
RGB: 0 / 0 / 0
HEX: 00000


Secondary Colour

CMYK: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
RGB: 255 / 255 / 255

