Death of a Lotus

Creative Musing
August 2016

Death of a Lotus
Some quick stylistic illustrations created in my downtime today.



Client Project
April 2016

At the heart of the furniture manufacturer's legacy lies its iconic pieces and the visionary designers behind them, such as Alexander Girard, and Ray and Charles Eames. "Threads" is a presentation and conversation lead by former graphic designer Steve Frykholm and writer Clark Malcolm. They weave Herman Miller's rich history of design innovation, its embrace of new ideas and talents through captivating narratives that shaped Herman Miller's 111-year journey. Because of my illustrative portrait line style, I was commissioned to create illustrations tailored to complement the theme of "threads."

Because of my former work in simple line portraits and having already completed a portrait of Steve, I was approached to create a portrait of Clark. These portraits were seamlessly woven into promotional and presentation materials, tailored to complement the theme of "Threads."

  • + Portrait Illustration

  • + Style Development
    + Sketching & Ideation
    + Illustration

  • My portrait series, formally called Facebook Friends started as a self initiated project illustrating my friends on Facebook. This endeavor evolved into illustrating portraits of speakers for CanUX Conference, and numerous portraits for friends and clients.An article titled "Face Behind the Faces" was written about me and the portrait series.

  • Art direction provided by Mark Beard. Promotional collateral and web materials developed by Herman Miller.

To Good For You Chicken Noodle Soup

Creative Musing
February 2016

To Good For You Chicken Noodle Soup

This past weekend, I had a fun visual idea of a snobby chicken and chicken noddle soap. Sketching out some initial concepts, I developed multiple illustrative iterations to this completed illustration. From conception to final illustration took close to 3 hours.


Rethinking Math Workbooks

Article + Creative Musing
January 2016

Rethinking Math Workbooks

During my childhood, I despised math and often wondered if it was due to how it was taught and presented. Perhaps it was, perhaps not. Even now, I feel my kids math workbooks are unapproachable. So, I thought create a cover series for simple math workbooks – taking my youngest sons math workbook, I stripped it down to its bare essentials, and gave it a complete rebranding. The typeface I used for this design is DIN Condensed Variable, designed by Isabella Chaeva and Tagir Safayev from Paratype.


Illustration Society

Article + Product
January 2016

Illustration Society

I contributed several limited edition screen prints from the Citizen Project, specifically the poster Thirteen Stripes, Fifty Stars, to the Illustration Society, Silent Auction (organized by Kendall College of Art and Design). The proceeds will support Kendall’s illustration program and Helen DeVos Children's Hospital.

  • Thirteen Stripes, Fifty Stars are limited edition screen prints, they are available for purchase in my shop.

  • Read an article about the Citizen Project by Emily Pots from Against The Grain.

Merchandise Mart

Client Project
January 2016

Merchandise Mart

I was approached by The Integer Group to license the minimalist Merchandise Mart illustration I created several years prior. The iconic illustration was used for promotional and invitation materials for the grand opening of Pella Windows' new store front, Pella Crafted Luxury in Chicago, Illinois.

  • + Illustration

  • + Concept Development
    + Sketching & Ideation
    + Illustration

MCM Numbers

Creative Musing
December 2015

MCM Numbers

Illustration of simple concentric MCM numbers. The numbers are a custom typeface designed for this exercise.


Putting Your Brand To Use

November 2015

Putting Your Brand To Use

Lucy Engleman and I spoke at the Kendall College of Art and Design Career Symposium on building your brand as a freelancer. This event was  held at Fountain Street Church. The talk focused on the importance of building a brand (or ego), either as an freelancer or in search of full-time employment.

Presentation Key Takeaways
• Looking at the current freelance landscape⁠—market, location, competition, potential clients.
• Professional practices presenting yourself via social media and a personal website.
• The importance in expressing your personality, identity, style.
• Professionally curating yourself via social media, personal website, networking and joining organizations.

Woosah & The Illustration League Workshop

November 2015

Woosah & The Illustration League Workshop
A small group of ambitious individuals attended our lino-cut print workshop yesterday at Woosah Outfitters⁠—lots of good discussion and great prints. Thank you to Woosah's, Erica Lang for helping put this event on with TIL and her time with educating us on lino cutting and printing. A special thanks to Molly Singleterry of Spectacle Design Studio for coming and taking photos of the event. Also, thanks to Central Michigan Paper for providing us paper.

House Industries Studio

November 2015

House Industries Studio

I had a great Creative Mornings event this morning with David Dodde on work ethic. He is a self-taught, award winning artist, designer, and print maker and his body of work is meticulous beautiful. Love his silkscreen Home Sweet Home doormat he created for his studio.

  • Learn more about David Dodde via his website.